Natural Acne Cure: How to Get Rid of Acne Fast With Natural Products?

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Acne natural cure for centuries, people relied only on natural remedies to their health problems. And nature always heals through many plants that have medicinal properties. Natural remedies for acne are many and you should choose the one that suits them best. acne natural cure It is not wise to go for the over the counter medications overlooking natural products have no side effects. A natural remedy against acne are discussed below:

1. Hot / Cold Compress - A proposed common remedy is the use of hot and cold wet towel compresses. acne natural cure This will reduce swelling and remove pore blockage, a major culprit in causing acne. You can gently rub ice cubes on the face to reduce the burning and acne natural cure inflammation.

Two. Drinking Water - This natural remedy for skin diseases is quite simple. The acne natural cure idea behind this concept is that if you drink enough water each day, usually 7-8 glasses, your body will flush out toxins that can cause skin diseases.


Drinking pure water, which leads to digestive health and no soda or any other acne natural cure beverage.

Three. Fenugreek leaves - which helps prevent acne breakouts. Crush fenugreek leaves first make a paste and apply it before going to bed for the affected areas. acne natural cure In the morning, wash with warm water.

April. acne home remedies "Honey":

acne home remedies "Honey" is very useful acne natural cure for treating skin problems because of its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing. Apply directly to the face as a mask for 10-15 minutes and wash your face with cold water. acne natural cure Even better is to mix honey with cinnamon powder to make a paste, then apply the mask of honey and cinnamon on your pimples. Honey can also be taken internally. For acne natural cure drink every day a glass of lemonade made with fresh lime and honey. This will keep your skin hydrated.


Try using acne natural cure "raw honey", unfiltered honey rather than treated for best results.

May acne home remedies "Tea tree oil":

As acne natural cure "honey, tea tree oil" is also long been used as a natural remedy against acne because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties. If you want to treat your pimples, dip a cotton swab into acne home remedies "the tea tree oil" and apply it on the pimple directly without

affect other areas of the face.

acne natural cure Tips:

Please view other acne home remedies products if you are allergic to tea tree oil.

Unlike honey, this is only for external use.

Please be diluted with water before using it in the face to prevent redness, itching, etc.

acne home remedies "June Green Tea":

Green tea is a traditional Chinese medicine to treat many diseases, including acne. Reduces inflammation, hormonal activity and increases the detoxification that are good for the elimination and prevention of acne.

Advicefor acne home remedies.

Drink 3-6 cups a day for best results. This will help treat acne and rejuvenate your body.

After preparing the tea, you can gently rub the tea bag in the face to fight acne.

Do not forget to add sugar to the tea, which will offset the beneficial effects of tea.

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